The Note
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 The Captain

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Join date : 2013-03-01
Age : 34

The Captain  Empty
PostSubject: The Captain    The Captain  EmptySun Nov 10, 2013 5:23 am

Valen’s legs were stiff as he lead the way across the bustling port, his eyes darting nervously in every direction as he scanned his surrounding before slipping behind a tall stack of crates and pulling the slim hooded figure that was following him beside him. His brows drew together as he peeked around the crates before turning his green eyes to the cloaked figure and giving them a disapproving look.
“I cannot believe I am doing this. I cannot believe you bullied me into this this.” He jerked forward and grabbed the figure, hiding them with his body as a few port hands passed by, telling what sounded to be a pirate legend to his fellow man. Once the pair was gone Valen let out his breath and released the slim shoulders and quickly planted himself down between the crates so he could peek through the crakes between them, “Oh gods.” His voice was full of dread, “Your father is going to find you and lock you away and then he’s going to return here and have me hanged for assisting you. He always blames me for your crazy adventured and absurd ideas.”

His body jumped when he found the ship he was looking for and he pranced to his feet and grabbed his friends arm again, pulling them closer too his destination by slipping through the stacked crates. “This is it.” He came to a stop and looked across the vast hull of a brightly painted military ship. It looked brand new as if it had just been painted and it was easily twice the size as the rough black ship docked next too it and any other ship in the dock.

“Now, the plan is to stuff you in one of the crates then I’ll have you loaded up. Sound good?”
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The Captain  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Captain    The Captain  EmptyMon Nov 11, 2013 6:06 am

Juejen couldn't help but to chuckle at conflict her friend was currently battling. She reached out and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder "Valen" She sighed with a smile "It's gonna be okay."

She peeled away the hood of her cloak and looked around at the quiet port. She had never been this close to the ships before and the sight was astounding. She was amazed that such large things could float so effortlessly along the water.

She turned her attention back to her friend as he explained the simple plan and nodded. "Sounds great." She smiled broadly and she brought her slim hands up to adjust the hat that was containing her long silvery blue locks. "How long do you think until I can come out?"
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Age : 34

The Captain  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Captain    The Captain  EmptySat Nov 16, 2013 4:52 am

Valen nodded at her and pulled out a stick of iron he had brought to pry open one of  the crates. He set to work on the one closest to him and tried his best to be quieter than the yelling around them, even with his shaking hands. “Right.” He said as he pulled the top up just enough for the girl to be able to slip through. “Stay in here till you feel yourself being set down and then wait till it's quiet. I’m pretty sure there won’t be any men in the storage area when they take off. All hands should be assisting on deck.” Once opened he began to empty the bags of flour and attempt to hide them among the other boxes. When there looked enough room for the girl to curl up in he stopped and looked up at Juegen. “Then you can sneak in and blend in with the crew. Try and keep to the simple cleaning jobs alright? And avoid talking to anyone!”
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Age : 34

The Captain  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Captain    The Captain  EmptyTue Jul 07, 2015 11:47 pm

Juejen vibrated with excitement, finally her dreams of being a crew member on a prestigious ship were finally coming true. Never mind it was just a cargo ship. "Valen" She said breathily "Thank you, friend." She grabbed both of his trembling hands in hers. "You don't know what this means to me." She bowed her head and kissed his knuckles then looked back up at him with a beaming smile "I'll write as soon as we get to port!" She looked back to the crevice dug out for her and couldn't help but to let out a small squeal of excitement. Even her dull mode of transportation wasn't going to take away from this moment. With his help she crawled into the crate and nestled down among the hard bags of flour. Now, even in total darkness she couldn't help but smile.

Juejen could hear Valen as he shuffled off and she closed her eyes so she could focus on the sounds around her. It wasn't long before the laborer's shouts and the dull sloshing and rocking of the water against the docks lulled her to sleep.

A few hours later she began to stir. Her body was tired and cramped and she raised her arms above her head to stretch but was stopped short by her containment. In her wary state she blinked away the sleep from her eyes and peered around the darkness and listened. It was quiet, no seagulls. She closed her eyes again, her brows furrowed in concentration before her face finally relaxed into an easy smile. They were finally out to sea. She burst from her confinements and carefully crawled out of the crate. Finally she'd be able to smell the sweet saltiness of the sea. She replaced the flour bags and took a moment to properly stretch before rushing out to deck.
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Age : 34

The Captain  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Captain    The Captain  EmptyFri Jan 01, 2016 6:41 pm

They were well into the ocean, the port a black smudge on the horizon, soon there would be nothing around them but the vast empty ocean. crewmen crowded the deck, every man busy with his station, ropes were tugged and pulled, canvases bowed as they caught a strong eastern wing. In their work, no one noticed the small figure trying to slip through the crowd quickly.

"Hey boy!" A large hand grabbed Juejens collar and tugged her around to face a giant of a man. His skin was dark and he tugged at a red sash wrapped around his bulging belly. Besides once white loose pants and dark brown boots he wore nothing else. Disks of clay pierced his earlobes, the skin stretched thin and peeling. “Stop your scurrying around puss rat. Get to the kitchens before I toss you!” He gnashed yellowed teeth at her then looked up and scowled, “Joe you bastard!” Shoving Juejen out of the way he waved a large fist at a man dangling from the ropes.
“That’s spit. You’d stay away if your smart. He’s nasty and means every threat.” A scrawny kid seemed to appear on the other side of her, his arms full of ropes. A red bandanna was tied around his neck and he wore a white hat upon dirty blond curls, the uniform of a cabin boy. “I’m corky.” He wiped his nose on the dirty sleeve of his elbow, the clothes he wore looked small of his, limps stretching inched past the hems. Pointing a thin finger, he said, “The kitchen’s down there.”
Corky stared unblinking at her then turned and hurried off when his name was shouted from a crewman.

Kai Bane stood at the railing of the ship, behind the wheel where the Captian shouted orders. He was serine in a sea of turmoil, his eyes peacefully watching the water part. The ship was purchased by the king, it was on a maintenance trip across the Delta to Thaldea where the solders riding among the ship would depart, him among them. They were guests among the ship, due to be deployed along the borders of Alstari to settle skirmishes between their people and the Dryghen.  

Most of his squad were in the cabins, staying out of the way of the ship’s crew. Kai couldn't stay confined, it made his skin crawl when he couldn't see the sky. The sweet smell of a female hit him, drawing his attention from the waters. It had been quick, he stepped to the railing that viewed over the main ships deck, men squeezed and rushed past each other, he inhaled deeply. The scent was gone, overlapped by the thick smell of men and the salt from the ocean.

"I see you admire the beauty of my ship Marshel. She is the finest and fastest ship on the water." Captain Jakk stepped away from the wheel, allowing his commander to take control of the ship as he came to stand next to Kai. He was finely dressed in a long embroidered black coat, dark hair tied back under a hat. Compared to the other man Kai seemed small in stature, feminine in looks with his pale smooth skin and sharp features, an aristocratic look.

The ship was named lady Odette. It was a fine ship, built slim for speed but Kai had noticed some of the crew seemed a little rough for a high ranking ship. "I will believe she is the fastest when I see it for myself." The captain's mouth twitched at the Marshal's words but he kept from voicing any disagreement. "I have never sailed these waters Captain, but I have heard much about the pirates that rule them. I will not tolerate any delays." His voice was icy causing Jakk to suppress a shudder. The captain sent a prayer for any pirates stupid enough to get tangled in the path of Wolf Fang Kai. A dangerous man who had earned his title through skill and not birth.

Captain Jakk gave a tight nod and turned back to take the wheel, he snapped at several men near him till he was left standing alone, glowered at everyone.
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Join date : 2013-03-01
Age : 34

The Captain  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Captain    The Captain  EmptyThu Jan 14, 2016 10:35 pm

(Aw no more belly ring?)

Juejen squinted at the bright sun. The difference from the dimly lit storage cabin to the bright open air of the deck was abrupt and her face scrunched as she blinked rapidly to adjust to the change. The air was cooler, and fresh, and salty. A big change from the lower decks where it was full of scents of the mainland. She took in a deep breath, her small lungs filling with the sweet scent of the ocean and the smile that had been on her face since waking grew.

Behind her there was a sudden burst of sound and she whirled, the hem of her too large coat swirling around her knees as she did. They were unfurling the sails! She stared in awe as the large white cloth burst forth, instantly catching the wind. The queen's emblem shimmered gold with the early morning light. "It's beautiful" she sighed. She rushed to the railing and looked down, the ship was so tall and it sliced through the water effortlessly. The white caps kissing the hull as it barreled forward. She gripped the railing, her knuckles white. She did her best to contain any burst of excitement that would give her away.

She turned and weaved through the bustling activity, ducking under a crate two men were carrying to the back. They stumbled and shouted colorful obscenities at her and she laughed but it quickly faded when she felt her jacket rise pulling her with it. She might have been horrified in normal circumstances but..had he just called her 'Boy'? Her eyes glittered and she nodded enthusiastically to his demands. Staring with wonder into the ugly face that peered back at her. That is until he shoved her.

She then looked up into the sweet face of a boy who seemed to be about her age. "Spit?" She asked and looked to the dark man who had just been yelling at her. "I guess it suits him." She looked back to the boy who had presented himself as Corky and she couldn't help but to think he might benefit from clothes two sizes larger. If she didn't have her own developing curves to hide, she might've felt guilty enough to atleast give him her tunic. "I'm uh.." She had meant to introduce herself but he was gone just as quickly as the other man was. A little bit relieved, since she hadn't thought herself up a new name yet. She straightened then popped her collar and headed down stairs, her chest puffed proudly. He had called her 'Boy'


Heavy soled boots marched through the hall. Rico was preparing to leave for the Queen's Navy, to accept his role as a 3rd class Petty Officer. A role not quite as prominent as his father's, but someday he would achieve greatness. Knowing his sister wasn't much one for goodbyes he had saved her for last. They were too close for him just to leave. "Juejen?" he asked as he rapped lightly on the door to the bedroom. He waited. He rapped again, leaning in he placed an ear against the cold door. Usually there would be a muffled groan with the shifting of sheets, or the rushed pitter patter of naked feet as she hurried to make herself halfway decent in case it was father who was calling on her. He exhaled slowly, closing his eyes. She must be up to something, she was always up to something. He finally opened the door and stepped in to see it empty.

His dark green eyes surveyed the room, his ears straining to hear the sound of a giggle or stifled breathing. "Juejen~" He cooed as he stepped gingerly in to her room. She was probably hiding somewhere, knowing full well that he'd have to come to say good bye to her. He wasn't going to be late though. "You're not going to make me late, Jooj" He said softly as he creeped through the room, staying low and walking softly. He moved to her bed and threw back the blankets "Ah-hah!" He had revealed a stack of pillows. His face twisted and he turned to walk to the other side of the room but suddenly whirled around and dropped to his belly on the floor "AH-HAH!" He hooted as he lifted the bed skirt. Again nothing. He stared puzzled at the mess of training gear she had hidden. He rose and continued around her room but stopped when he came to her desk. A folded piece of paper lay in the center. A crude drawing of a bird in blue ink was on the front. He stared at it a moment. The frown on his face deepening and slowly he picked it up.

The same heavy boots that had walked assuredly down the hall moments before now had a panicked rush to them. The pace returning to normal only after passing maids, who, by now had grown so accustomed to the young lord's odd behavior that they hardly batted a lash. They simply nodded and gave a polite curtsy.

Rico stormed from room to room, his hands clenching and unclenching nervously. "I'm gonna kill him." he said under his breath. He finally spotted him, and in a low, dangerous sounding seethe, he said his name "Valen..."


After rooting around under the deck a bit Juejen finally found the Kitchen and was immediately put to busy work. She sat in the corner, a mountain of potatoes behind her. She turned the small knife over in her hand, the blade catching lantern light. She flipped it and grabbed the handle tightly "Arr, " She said in a quiet whisper and she jabbed the blade in to the air simulating a fight she had pictured in her mind for months now.

"Quit yer messin'" the cooks voice boomed over the sound of boiling water. He shook his head, strands of his auburn hair falling out of it's loose tie in the back. "Always given me tha loopiest kids" He muttered under his breath. He went to stirring the contents of the pot, the thick muscles in his arm bulging as he churned the chunky mixture. He glanced at her when he heard another swish of the blade. His eyes narrowed in to a sharp glare. "I SAID QUIT YER MESSIN'. GET TO PEELIN' LAD. Don't you know how grumpy a boat full of men get when their dinner isn't ready on time." He turned in the narrow space and dumped the contents of his cutting board in to the pot.

Juejen jumped and then quickly got to work, all the while still smiling.

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Age : 34

The Captain  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Captain    The Captain  EmptyThu Jan 21, 2016 7:45 am

Jakk Mcavoy clenched his fist and slammed his hand onto the decorated desk that was bolted to the floor in the center of the room, the impact sent a few documents floating to the ground. The man sitting across from him shrank a little into his seat. The captain set hard punishment when he was angry.

“That bastard. This is why I don’t take royal jobs. The arrogance, he walks onto my ship and acts like he owns it.” Jakk growled while he wadded papers between his fingers, they were not sufficient to the neck he wanted his hands to be wrapped around.

The small man in the seat began to squirm nervously, his eyes darting towards the ceiling.

“What is wrong with you Dyson?” The captain barked causing Dyson to jump a few feet in his seat. The fidgeting man quickly tried to squeeze himself into the creases of the chair. His eyes found a new home within the cracks of the floors. When he spoke his voice was quiet, just above a whisper as if he was afraid they would be overheard. Jakk had to strain to hear him over the creaking of his ship.

“I-I have heard things of that man. They say he is a demon. A man who can turn into a w-“

Jakk stood and leaned over the table, he wanted to strangle the fool. “Don’t tell me you believe in bed time stories you Moron! You act as if he can hear us!”

Dyson slid to the edge of his seat and gripped the edges of the tables, his voice almost desperate. “Even you saw his eyes. I have never seen a man with yellow eye.”

“Only idiots who believe in lies make devils. Now snap out of your cowardice.” The captain sat, his anger seeming to dissipate. Even he had to admit to himself that the Admiral had a presence about him, the sort a predator gave. As if you were standing next to a snarling beast just waiting for the chance to tear at your throat. “You need to focus on making sure those soldiers don’t snoop around. Are there men guarding the cargo?”

Dyson seemed to have also calmed, feeling a little comfort that his captain did not believe in the rumors floating around Admiral Bane. Surely he was right and they were just tales. “Of course. I also have ordered some of the crew to watch the men. Spit will keep me informed if any wonder to far from their rooms. But…”

“Don’t worry about Bane. He seems to have a distaste for being within the walls of a ship. The man is probably sea sick and too proud to admit it.” Jakk laughed at the idea, “Now get out of my office before your shaking makes me sick.”

Dyson took no time in exiting the room. Leaving his captain alone. The golden paper weight that was shaped like a hawk flew through the air and smashed against the door. Jakk hated dealing with human cargo.


Corky walked down the steps to the kitchen, squeezing easily between bigger crewman, never dropping the two bowls he held full of stew. He spotted Juejen quickly and made his way over, holding out one of the bowls. “Here. Eat that.” As soon as she took the bowl he offered, Corky began shoving his own stew down as he squatted in front of her. “So what’s up with you?” He said between mouthfuls, his spoon never stopping its travel between bowl and mouth. “Did your Da sell you to the Captain?” He had an accent that made his words sound slurred.  


Valen jumped at hearing his name. Ricco wasn't suppose to be home. He turned to see his friend walking towards him, eyes locked on him. It was a dark look. Sweat slid down Valen's temple. Helping Juejen had never really been a choice, she would have bullied him into it if she had had too. While it was an insane idea Valen knew she would never be satisfied being left behind while her brother left on his own adventure. He had to help her.

Valen swallowed. He doubted Ricco would accept any reason for helping his sister sneak on board a ship to mingle with men. There was only one way of handling this situation. He bolted. Fast, turning the corner, using a hand to bounce from the wall and dart into the living room. He would have to use the backdoor through the kitchen. The Garden's hedges were short but Valen's smaller stature made him avoid such choices. He would use the gate and grab a horse in the stables. Ricco always beat him out on foot.

Kateyn, one of the kitchen girls, squeaked and dropped the cabbage in her hand when Valen almost collided with her. With a rushed sorry Valen hit the back door and fumbled with the handle before opening the door.
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The Captain  Empty
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