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 Gathering the shards

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Gathering the shards Empty
PostSubject: Gathering the shards   Gathering the shards EmptyThu Apr 11, 2013 2:56 am

DelightfulTurtle wrote:
Shaheen was about to argue with the girl until he remembered Marina. He turned to look for her but she was already gone. The skies cleared as the sun beat down on them and he turned his attention back to the girl. Not wanting to dwell on the goddess.

As he stood there looking up at the small piece of rock on the end of the girls dagger he wondered just how long it was going to take for him to retrieve his body. Would Bulut have stolen his thrown by the time he was whole again? Would he ever be? The couple above him made him think it wasn't so horrible that he was still stuck as an otter.

It had been a couple of weeks after the incident at the Lightning temple. Once returning home for a little R&R the group finally set off in search of the remaining pieces of Shaheen's icon. With the aid of the piece that June already possessed it wasn't hard for the god to pick up on where the other remaining parts might be. Although the the feeling was faint, and there were a lot of false alarms the group pressed on.

"Ahhh~ This weather!!" Arianna moaned as her feet dragged after the group. "It's just too hot to carry on. Just-" She paused for dramatics as she placed a hand on a tree to prop herself up "Just go without me." She looked up at her friends through her bangs hoping that maybe this time they'd give in to her plea.

"Bye." June walked past her friend who was giving her usual hourly routine.

"Hey!" Arianna whined as she ran to catch up with her, grabbing her arm. "Just five minutes!"

June looked down at her friend, it was hot and they had been walking all morning. She was pretty sure it was lunch time too. She gritted her teeth, despite her hunger she wanted to keep the momentum up. She let her shoulders sag and she let out a heavy sigh. "I'll go see if they want to." June pulled away from her grasp and trotted to catch up Roel and the otter. "Hey" She reached out and gently tugged on the man's cape for his attention.
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Gathering the shards Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gathering the shards   Gathering the shards EmptyFri Apr 12, 2013 12:16 am

Roel stopped when he felt a pull on his cap and turned back to see the blue eyed girl. He signed, knowing what she wanted before she even asked. It was probably time for another one of Arianna's frequent breaks. It would be the sixth attempt so far today.

Standing before the girl he showed no indication that the weather nor the long walking was affecting him. In the swordsman’s academy he would have to train all day in much higher temperature then this. Walking was nothing to him. But he had to keep in mind that these two were females and were not as trained as he was.

"Alright. We can stop for five minutes. But no longer." He unlatched a water satchel from his waist and handed it to June, "Here. For your friend." He motioned to Arianna with his eyes.

Shaheen was sprawled lazily across Roel’s shoulders. Taking no part in any of the walking. His brown eyes glanced over to Arianna dully, “Why did you want to come with us again?” He could understand June coming, her powers were useful and she held onto his icon shard for him. Arianna was a different story. He never liked complaining or excessive talking. She did both.

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Gathering the shards Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gathering the shards   Gathering the shards EmptyFri Apr 12, 2013 1:11 am

Arianna scowled at the tiny otter and with a huff she moved over to them and snatched the canteen from June's hands. "I may be lazy and unmotivated but I'll never pass up the chance to have an adventure." She took a large drink from the satchel before handing it back to June and wiping her mouth on the back of her arm. "Not all of us get to be chauffeured around like you."

June passed the canteen back to Roel after taking a small drink herself. Ignoring her friends little outburst she looked over her shoulder at Shaheen "Do you think we're actually on the right path this time?"
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Gathering the shards Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gathering the shards   Gathering the shards EmptyMon Apr 15, 2013 11:47 pm

Shaheen stretched his limbs out lazily as if to taunt the orange haired girl then settled into a more comfortable position, wrapping his tail around roels neck. "Not sure. All I can tell is if its within maybe 50-60 meters of us. I can't tell you the exact locations." He wasn't even possitive about how far he could sense the pieces of his icon, but he felt they were getting closer. It was dissapointing that they havent even found any clues to where it might be.

Roel tugged on Shaheen's tail to loosen it, the fur was making his neck sweat. He took a big drink from the canteen June had handed back to him and tied it back to his waist. "We're not far from Thalan. It's a nice sized city so maybe we can find something from there."
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Gathering the shards Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gathering the shards   Gathering the shards EmptyTue Apr 16, 2013 2:08 am

June nodded, at least the otter seemed more confident this time around. She was happy to hear Shaheen's news but she couldn't deny she was more relieved at what Roel followed with. Finally a place to sleep that actually had a roof. She wasn't completely opposed to adventuring outside but what girl wouldn't like some of the basic luxuries. She began to melt at the thought of a warm bath and finally being able to wash her clothes. These thoughts gave the girl a big enough surge of energy to keep going. "C'mon" She grabbed Ari's hand and started forward "We should get there before sundown right?"
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Gathering the shards Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gathering the shards   Gathering the shards EmptyFri Apr 19, 2013 1:42 am

"As long as we keep a good pace.'' Roel continued with the party until they could see the stone walls that surrounded the city. The sun was just starting to set and even Roel would have to admit that he was looking forward to sleeping on an actual bed and a warm meal. One that didn't involve him hunting anything.

Roel checked his money pouch as they entered Thalan, he had enough to cover three days board and meal for the group but after that he would have to pick up an odd job to get some more cash. His eyes wondered over to the pair of girls, maybe he could put them to work if he had too. Roel chuckled to himself and shook his head at the thought while shoving his money pouch into his pocket.

"Keep an eye out for an inn to stay at."
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Gathering the shards Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gathering the shards   Gathering the shards EmptyFri Apr 19, 2013 3:36 am

"Oh! I can definitely do that!" Arianna chirped behind the group. She would always volunteer at the opportunity to spend money. She moved beside Roel and looped her arm through his, "Should we get a suite to ourselves?" She joked, hugging his arm close against her chest.

June rolled her eyes at the girl, she didn't have to be so obvious in front of everyone did she? "Don't be so transparent, Ari." June spoke before Roel could have a chance to respond to her proposal. She quickly covered her mouth, maybe she was the one being too obvious? She sighed and lowered her hand, quickly turning her attention to finding an inn for them.

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Gathering the shards Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gathering the shards   Gathering the shards EmptySun Apr 21, 2013 3:59 pm

Roel just chuckled lightly at them, "unfortunately I don't have the extra spending money for that. We will get one room." A night spent with a beautiful girl like Arianna would be nice, and way more relaxing then being cramped into a room with three people and a smelly animal but he could never tell if the girl was serious or just a flirt. If he pushed it he was afraid there would be a cat fight.

"Something is wrong here. Have you not noticed." Shaheen whispered in Roel's ear, looking straight ahead. "This town is to quiet for one of its size. I can smell the fear of these people."

Roel did notice that the streets seemed to be mostly empty, and what few people were out gave them some seriously suspicious looks. He shook his head, "Its getting dark, the people are just in their homes you paranoid rat." He didn't believe that tho, the atmosphere was clearly tense. His left hand rested on his sword hilt.
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Gathering the shards Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gathering the shards   Gathering the shards EmptyMon Apr 22, 2013 9:36 pm

Arianna smirked, she loved getting a rise out of her friend. She almost made it too easy. She turned her attention back to Roel her bottom lip sticking out in a pout. She slipped away from the redhead letting her finger tiips trail down his arm softly "Next time then," she nearly demanded. Her eyes traveled over the town. This is what he considered a nice size city? This is a dumpy town at best. She crossed her arms over her chest, she wanted to shop and sight-see. She almost preferred the forest to this town, and it didn't help that everyone was acting so weird.

June sulked behind the three. How embarrassing, her shoulders sagged and she took a couple quick steps to catch up with them. Finally raising her gaze and noticing how peculiar the town was. There was definitely a stillness to the air and as the last of the sun's rays dipped down below the horizon the remaining townspeople who lingered quickly found their way into buildings. The new quietness of the town was only briefly disturbed by the sound of locks clamping shut. “Is it okay for us to be here?” June finally spoke, instinctively moving closer to the swordsman.
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Gathering the shards Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gathering the shards   Gathering the shards EmptyWed Apr 24, 2013 10:24 pm

Roel took off after the scream, yelling back for the girls to stay put. After running through two streets he stopped and pulled his sword out. A little girl lay with her back to the ground shielding herself with her arms from a beast that hunched over her. The beast red eyes shot up when Roel came to a stop, having smelled the swordsman’s it let off a feral howl and lowered as if to jump at him.

The girl cried again at having the beast so close. Roel shot forward, sword raised and tried to match the beast with his own war cry. The closer Roel got the more he realized just how big the monster was. It stood on his back legs and swung a arm back, ready to swipe him down. He knew he could cut its arm off with his sword but he feared the girl might get hurt in the animal’s rage.

As the giant arm lashed at him, blood stained claws sharp and ready, Roel dunked and felt the paw swish past the top of his hair. He grabbed the girls arm and jerked her and himself back, getting a little distance from the animal.
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Gathering the shards Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gathering the shards   Gathering the shards EmptyThu Apr 25, 2013 12:58 am

The young girl yelped as she was jerked forward she looked up at Roel unable to make out his features through the tears. "Do-Don't hurt it!" She blurted out as she wiped her tears with her fist.

The beast landed on it's feet with a thud. It lowered it's head and barred it's elongated fangs, the same monstrous growl as earlier emanating from it's belly. It's gaze darted between the red head and the young girl, not wanting to lose sight of it's prey but not wanting to take it's eyes off the fool who decided to intervene. The beast howled again before stepping backwards and running off into the cover of the forest.
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Gathering the shards Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gathering the shards   Gathering the shards EmptyThu Apr 25, 2013 2:32 am

Roel had the girl pinned tightly against his chest with his left arm and he had the sword pointing out at the beast. He dropped his arm as the monster ran and let out a sigh of relief. Just cuz he had fought a god recently and survived doesn't mean he wanted to test his luck against such a big demon. His left arm dropped from the girl as he stared after the creature.

"What the hell was that?" He looked down at the girl, "And why the hell wouldn't I hurt it!? If you hadn't noticed it was trying to hurt you!"

{Pic ref of what's happening.}
Gathering the shards Roel-noteref_zps26ad43dd
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Gathering the shards Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gathering the shards   Gathering the shards EmptyFri Apr 26, 2013 11:32 pm

(( lovely drawing. I can almost feel the intensity ))

The little girl paused just realizing what she had just said to the stranger. Conflicted thoughts ran through her head and she shrugged her shoulders at his questions. The adrenaline from the moments prior and his shouting of his questions just reduced the girl to tears and she crumpled up in his arms.

Arianna waited a moment but the howling of the beast did nothing but perk her curiosity, she wanted to see it. Regardless if Roel had asked them to stay or not. "I'm gonna go see if he's okay." and she trotted off before Shaheen or June could protest.
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Gathering the shards Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gathering the shards   Gathering the shards EmptyMon Apr 29, 2013 10:54 pm

((why thank you. The wolf was the hardest part. Really had to take my time with him.))

Roel patted the girls back gently, unsure how to deal with this new turn of events. Facing aginst a giant, slobbering, razor toothed demon was much easier then calming a little girls wailing. "Uh...It's okay now."

"Follow her." Shaheen told June, it would be best not to lose the girl.
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PostSubject: Re: Gathering the shards   Gathering the shards EmptyMon Apr 29, 2013 11:46 pm

The little girl turned and buried her face in his chest seeking his warmth for comfort. She nodded slightly at his kind words an promptly returned to using his shirt as a handkerchief.

Arianna finally stumbled upon the two and couldn't help but to chuckle. "You're hopeless." She moved over to the redhead who was awkwardly petting the girl and making it very clear how little experience he had with females. She glanced around for any sign of the beast a little disappointed that it wasn't even there for her to sneak a peek at. But seeing that the prey was just indeed a little girl she supposed it probably was for the best that it had retreated. She sighed as she kneeled down beside Roel "So, this must be the little damsel who was in distress?" She looked up at the swordsman and grinned "Are you her prince charming?"

June nodded at the otter and followed behind the curious girl. She was going to get killed one of these days.
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Gathering the shards Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gathering the shards   Gathering the shards EmptyTue Apr 30, 2013 9:38 pm

"Looks like I am." He smiled warmly at the little girl and rested his hand on the top of her head. "The beast is gone." He didn't want to seem rude by moving her off of his lap so he stayed still, letting the girl continue to soak the front of his shirt.

As they came upon the three shaheen hopped down from June's shoulder, landing softly on the ground. He walked his way over to his partner and stood on his back legs, peering over to get a good look at the girl.
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Gathering the shards Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gathering the shards   Gathering the shards EmptyTue Apr 30, 2013 10:59 pm

The little girl finally calmed down enough and pulled away from the man's shirt and wiped her face with her sleeve. She stuck her dry hand out to shake his and cleared her throat before proclaiming "I'm Vivienne" Her gaze traveled down to the curious otter that was currently trying to sneak a peek. "What a weird cat!" She exclaimed as she grabbed shaheen under his arms and lifted him up "It's so long!" She laughed "And her tail is so fat."

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Gathering the shards Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gathering the shards   Gathering the shards EmptyWed May 01, 2013 12:34 am

Shaheen wiggled in the girls small hands, "I am no cat you child! Now put me down." He managed to squirm his way out of her grip and dusted his fur off. "My title is Shaheen. and my tail is not fat!"

Roel laughed at the two. "Ignore him, he's just a water rat with a big mouth. now." He stood up and slid his sword back into its sheath. "Vivienne. What was that just now?"
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Gathering the shards Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gathering the shards   Gathering the shards EmptyWed May 01, 2013 2:07 am

Vivienne looked up to the man and sighed, her gaze lowering "That monster keeps coming.." she seemed uneasy at just mentioning the beast "The villagers have been trying to get rid of it but" She shook her head and promptly stood up "nothing has worked"

"Uh.." Arianna started "Well, I think it's trying to eat you, you know that's pretty bad." Arianna stood and pulled her hair around her shoulders and twirled the ends "How have y'all been trying to get rid of it?" She looked around the village, no barricades or guards were out. Didn't seem like much of an effort

"My mom collects money to offer it!" Vivienne didn't like the tone the copper headed girl was giving her and she gripped the front of her dress in aggravation.

June frowned and adjusted the strap of the bag that was digging into her shoulder. The whole situation seemed like something they shouldn't get in to. But it definitely didn't feel right "Where is your mom right now?"

As if on cue a dark haired woman, curls falling in a mess around her shoulders and her face obviously riddled with worry came around the corner. "Vivienne!" She shouted as she ran closer to the group. She hugged the shawl that hung around her shoulders closer and moved down to scoop the young girl into her arms. She patted the girls back as she was once again reduced to a blubbering mess. She looked down to Roel her eyes traveling down to the sword that lay haphazardly beside him. "What were you doing holding my daughter so affectionately?"

June narrowed her eyes at the woman's sudden conclusion and her grip tightened on the strap "Don't jump to such conclusions! He was just protecting her" June scoffed, what lousy parenting. She averted her gaze, she was becoming cranky and she wouldn't allow someone to throw such harmful accusations to her friends.
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Gathering the shards Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gathering the shards   Gathering the shards EmptyWed May 01, 2013 2:33 am

shaheen narrowed his small eyes as the Childs mother.

Roel held his hands up in a show of innocents, “whoa, wait a moment. I really wasn’t doing anything to the girl. Your village monster was attacking her. I just happened to hear her scream.” He didn’t want June and the woman to get in an argument with each other. This woman would know much more about this beast and if the group was going to be staying here searching for the gods statue then they needed to know what they would be dealing with.

“Heeeeeeeey~!” A child, older then the girl that stood with her mother, ran towards them waving a staff into the air. He came to a skidded stop before them and leaned over to catch his breath. “What are you people doing out here!” He shot up to glare at them then noticed Vivienne and her mother. “Ah! V! Are you okay?!” He noticed her ruffled look and the worried look of her mother. “Did the beast come for you again today?” He moved in front of her and grabbed her hands, looking her over worriedly.
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PostSubject: Re: Gathering the shards   Gathering the shards EmptyWed May 01, 2013 3:35 am

The woman narrowed her eyes at June, if only she knew who she was she wouldn't even attempt arguing with her. She tilted her head back down to the red head and rolled her eyes at his explanation. "How convenient you were here then." She struggled to keep her grip on her child once the little girl felt a familiar touch.

Vivienne wiggled from her mothers grasp. Once released she promptly threw her arms around the older boy. "I'm okay! I'm okay!" she whined against his neck.

Vivienne's mother huffed offended that the little girl didn't want her comfort. She grabbed her wrist and pulled her away from the boy "Don't be so indecent Vivienne." She looked back to the group, glaring at them, just challenging them to say anything about her parenting. "So you saved my little girl, hm?" she asked, clearly looking down at the group.

"They did! I think that that man could help kill it!" she pointed to Roel. Vivienne had picked up a bad habit of inviting anyone over that seemed confident enough to take on the beast. Her mother would begrudgingly allow them to room with them in their expansive mansion. Not to please her daughter but to keep a closer watch on the men who thought they were any match for her - er, the monster.

"If that's true," The woman paused, not wanting to complete her sentence "then please stay in my home for the night." None of the men before were worth it, and judging what she had seen of this man, he wouldn't be either.

Arianna struggled to hide her excitement. She could tell by how immaculate the woman's nightgown was that her home would be just as impressive. She looked to Roel and clasped her hands together and mouthed the word "Pleaaaaase"

At this point June didn't really care where they slept for the night. She'd be fine sleeping in front of one of the shops that lined the street. She sighed and looked to Roel, if he was okay with the proposition she wouldn't object, but she wouldn't pretend she was thrilled at the idea.

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Gathering the shards Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gathering the shards   Gathering the shards EmptyThu May 02, 2013 1:15 am

Roel sighed at the begging girl. He usually wouldn't stay at any strangers houses so easily but he knew the girls would want a nice place to stay. Plus it would save him the money. "Alright. We could stay with for one night."

Tony glared up at the man, "How do you know these guys arent theifs! they look like one!"
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PostSubject: Re: Gathering the shards   Gathering the shards EmptyThu May 02, 2013 1:26 am

Arianna bounced with excitement. This was going to be way better than any hotel they could probably afford at the moment. "Lead the way lady"

June looked down at the little boy. What was with all these accusations. She turned her head away and moved closer to her friends.

Cassandra looked down at the little boy with a glare. "Is this really any of your business?" She looked back to the group and turned to lead them to her home. "Follow me"
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Gathering the shards Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gathering the shards   Gathering the shards EmptyThu May 02, 2013 1:38 am

Tony glared at the mother and grabbed Vivienne's arm before she walked off with the group. "You better be careful. I wont forgive you if you get hurt." He let go of her hand and ran back towards his house.

Roel watched the boy run off with a perked brow, "Looks like you already have a prince." He chuckled and turned towards the mother, "Lead the way."

Shaheen jumped onto Roel's shoulder, keeping his eyes on the woman.
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Gathering the shards Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gathering the shards   Gathering the shards EmptyThu May 02, 2013 2:14 am

The walk was relatively short and it wasn't long before their giant home came into view. Once inside Cassandra let go of Vivienne's hand, allowing the girl to wander about. "Your bedrooms will be in the west wing. We'll be in the east." She looked down at the group and in no way tried to hide her contempt. "If you need anything which I'm sure you won't, just find a maid. I don't want to catch you wandering about. My husband is currently recovering from an attack from that wretched beast and I can't have you disturbing him."

Vivienne smiled at the two before yawning big. "good night you guys." She turned with her mother and started off towards their bedrooms.

June looked around the large entry way. This house looked so much different than the rest of the homes in the village. She looked down to the west wing where their rooms were supposed to be. At least they'd be in the opposite direction of that horrible woman and still be together.

Arianna walked past them towards the room. "I'm going to pick first." It didn't take long for her to find a room that would be suitable and she quickly retired to get read for bed. "Goodnight~" she chimed and shut the door.

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